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line of credit (銀行對某客戶的)貸款最高限額。

line of scrimmage

Perhaps they believe that they have bought the right and there is no need to mention the original , they should also notice that just a short line of credit in the beginning or ending of the movies would actually mean a lot as it not only shows rsepect to the original but will win the heart of the audience 第二觀眾的激烈回響或許可以提醒電影公司宣傳重拍電影時最好清楚指明重拍對像而不是模棱兩可地敷衍了事惹得觀眾的反感。大家雖然善忘但愛的空間不竟只是幾年前的作品影碟又垂手可得不少人作出聯想也是自然不過的事。

From the angle of corporate management function , enterprise credit management is management including ensuring accounts receivable safely and callback it in time , which is through establishing the credit management policy to instruct and correspond the operation activity of interior department , and monitor roundly collecting and evaluate client information , and granting line of credit , guarantying creditor ' s rights , call backing accounts receivable 企業信用管理通過制定信用管理政策,指導和協調內部各部門的業務活動,對客戶信息進行收集和評估,對信用額度的授予、債權保障、應收帳款回收等各交易環節進行全面監督,以保障應收帳款安全和及時回收的管理。

Perhaps they believe that they have bought the right and there is no need to mention the original , they should also notice that just a short line of credit in the beginning or ending of the movies would actually mean a lot as it not only shows rsepect to the original but will win the heart of the audience 第二,觀眾的激烈回響或許可以提醒電影公司宣傳重拍電影時,最好清楚指明重拍對像,而不是模棱兩可地敷衍了事,惹得觀眾的反感。大家雖然善忘,但《愛的空間》不竟只是幾年前的作品,影碟又垂手可得,不少人作出聯想,也是自然不過的事。

Borrow definitely writing down card is to show the person that hold card must press hairpin bank to ask deposit is certain first a shot in the locker of amount , when inadequacy of amount of account of a shot in the locker pays , the credit card that overdraws inside the line of credit that can provide in hairpin bank 準貸記卡是指持卡人須先按發卡銀行要求交存一定金額的備用金,當備用金賬戶金額不足支付時,可在發卡銀行規定的信用額度內透支的信用卡。

In america and elsewhere , banks are helping the elderly gain access to this through reverse mortgages , which let people borrow against the value of their homes ? either in one big , upfront loan or through a line of credit 在美國或其他地方,銀行正在幫助老年人通過反抵押貸款來使用這些產權,這種貸款是根據他們房屋的價值來借款,要么是一筆大額預付貸款,或者通過信用額度獲得相應貸款。

Registered payment by phone service user may also settle or repay any loans or line of credit accounts with american express bank through a touch - tone phone or via internet american express bank pps merchant code : 9169 已登記繳費聆的客戶更可使用音頻電話或互聯網以繳費聆轉賬至本行任何貸款或備用信貸戶口之還款或財務償還。美國運通銀行商戶號碼: 9169 。

The securities firm shall approve a line of credit to a customer based on the result of a credit check against such customer , and furnish a risk disclosure statement disclosing therein the risks associated with securities lending transactions 證券商應依客戶徵信結果,核定其客戶得借貸額度,并提供風險預告書,揭露有價證券借貸交易之可能風險。

Global clearinghouse leaders discuss best practices for risk management and clearing including risk monitoring , default mechanisms , lines of credit , margining , security deposits , and insurance 作為全球票據交換的主要公司,在這個專題中將探討風險管理和清算的經驗,包括風險監控、違約機制、信貸限額、限額邊界、保證金收取、風險準備金和保險。

As credit - market worries spread , rhineland could no longer secure new short - term funding and called on a eu12 billion line of credit promised by ikb and a handful of other banks 正當信貸市場的憂慮擴撒開去之時,萊茵蘭再也不能確保收回其短期債券并且ikb及其他數家銀行也無法兌現之前保證過的高達120億歐元的最高信貸限額。

We can assist your business in obtaining conventional financing for lines of credit , purchase or refinance of commercial / industrial real estate , equipment purchase and most any form of business financing 投資方向:貸款之最高現額的常規資金、商用和工業用房地產的購買和籌集資金、設備購買和業務資金的各種形式。

Borrow writing down card is to show hairpin bank gives the person that hold card proper line of credit , the person that hold card can be consumed first inside line of credit , hind the credit card of reimbursement 貸記卡是指發卡銀行給予持卡人一定的信用額度,持卡人可在信用額度內先消費、后還款的信用卡。

It is anticipated that during the course of a transaction , the identity of the bank instrument provider ( line of credit , bank guarantee ' s etc . ) , ? their mandates shall become known to the parties 雙方期待,在交易期間,銀行服務提供商的身份(授信額度、銀行擔保等)與他們的委托書應該被對方知曉。

The fed lowered its federal funds rate , which impacts how much consumers pay on credit card debt , home equity lines of credit and auto loans , to 3 . 5 percent from 4 . 25 percent 降低了聯邦基金利率,該利率將影響到消費者對信用卡的還款,家庭用品的支出以及汽車貸款的支出,從4 . 25 %降到3 . 5 % 。

We currently have no agreements , arrangements or understandings with any person to obtain funds through bank loans , lines of credit or any other sources 希望通過銀行貸款,透借限額及其他途徑來獲得資金,目前我們沒有與任何個人在這方面簽訂協議,達成一致的安排或協定。

We currently have no agreements , arrangements or understandings with any person to obtain funds through bank loans , lines of credit or any other sources 我們目前還沒有協議,安排或協定與任何個人從銀行貸款,信用貸款的最高限額或任何其他來源獲得資金。

We currently have no agreements , arrangements or understandings with any person to obtain funds through bank loans , lines of credit or any other sources 目前我們沒有同任何人達成協議、安排或一致理解以獲取銀行貸款的資金,貸款額度或任何其他來源。

We currently have no agreements , arrangements or understandings with any person to obtain funds through bank loans , lines of credit or any other sources 我們當前沒有與任何人協議、安排或者理解去通過銀行貸款獲得資金,信貸額度或任何其他來源。

Some people feel that debt consolidation loans are the best option . a debt consolidation loans is one loan which pays off many other loans or lines of credit 一些人認為,債務合并貸款是最好的選擇。這是一種支付其它貸款或信貸額度的貸款方式。

In effect , canadians financed more than one - third of the increase in consumer spending with credit cards , bank lines of credit and loans 那意味著,三分之一以上的花在消費市場的錢是加拿大人通過向信用卡借錢、銀行透支和銀行借款來實現的。